Founded with the energy that arose from the COVID-19 lockdown, Chaos is fearlessly transforming the relationship between creative film and fine art. Every creative process is born out of a primordial ooze of desire, sensation, zeitgeist, budget, deadline, worry, disappointment, expectation and possibility. A healthy dose of CHAOS brings this all together, out of which creativity crystalizes into that which is meant to be.


This energy can take any form. In the case of CHAOS, it’s been channeled for years into film production of a quality that speaks for itself – as we jam-pack every project full of as much creativity as humanly possible. So you get authentic, distinctive work that stands head and shoulders above your competition.


CHAOS is also the perfect atmosphere for creative cross-pollination – with our pollen fertilizing the world of fine arts. With each and every commercial assignment our clients are saving up for the desirable ‘CHAOS CREATIVE CREDITS’ in order to receive that unique piece of art they aspire! To feed the soul (and the artist, too). Dip your toe into the primordial ooze. Doesn’t it feel good? So make up your own mind. Check out the CHAOS Directors & Artists we represent here and enjoy our commitment to creativity.


All great changes are proceeded by CHAOS (Sunt Tzu)